2024 Battleground

Sean Hannity Tells Republicans to Be More Moderate on Abortion Issues

Photo by Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, USA, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Sean Hannity is one of the biggest stars in conservative media because Hannity is part of the conservative base.

Hannity understands the values and passions of the conservative movement and is able to channel those feelings into being the voice for forgotten Americans.

But Sean Hannity just left viewers stunned into silence with this ugly proposal.

Democrats and the media know Joe Biden can’t campaign on his record.

World War 3 could break out at any moment. 

Prices have skyrocketed by 19.4 percent thanks to Biden’s socialist spending.

And with our borders wide open, Biden has allowed 7,000,000 illegal aliens to pour into America and overrun our cities and communities.

All the Democrats have left is a scare campaign settled on a fake threat to democracy and abortion.

But instead of fighting Biden and the media, Sean Hannity is calling for the GOP to surrender.

The Arizona State Supreme Court recently handed down a ruling allowing a law to go into effect that protects life in all cases except when the mother’s life is in danger.

But rather than attack Democrats for their extremism on the issue and point out that Joe Biden and his party support abortion-on-demand – even up to executing babies who survive abortion procedures – Hannity is demanding Arizona Republicans pass a law codifying abortion.

“And the people on the left are so desperate to attack Trump now for an Arizona Supreme Court ruling that upholds what is a Civil War-era law banning abortion. This will be fixed in the next week or two. Let not your heart be troubled. I can pretty much assure you that will happen,” Hannity declared.

Hannity claimed Republicans could work with Democrats to pass a new law in Arizona.

But the Governor of Arizona, Katie Hobbs, is a pro-abortion fanatic.

And the only law she would accept is one that allows taxpayer-funded abortion all the way up to even after birth.

Hannity somehow missed that part.

“Trump opposes the law and this ruling… And you know what? Arizona’s governor is a Democrat. The state’s attorney general is a Democrat. The state legislature is almost evenly divided. If Democrats– you want to get rid of the law, well, you have a chance right now to get rid of it. And I would advise you, to get rid of it!” Hannity continued.

If Republicans want to win on this issue, they have to stop fighting it on the media’s terms.

Republicans get tripped up talking about how many weeks into a pregnancy they would protect life – meanwhile, this is exactly the kind of conversation the left wants because that’s how they scare women voters.

The path for Republicans to win on this issue involves going on the offense and attacking the Democrats for their extremism.

Polls already show that Americans don’t want to fund abortion on demand up until birth. 

And they certainly don’t want to permit terminating babies who are born alive.

Hannity fell for the bait the Democrats set on this issue.

It’s up to the Republicans running for office to ignore his advice.